Back stories

AI writing - the wrongs

AI writing - the wrongs

OKAY, I ADMIT IT, I have a problem with copy generated by AI chatbots. That’s hardly surprising, you might think, after all I’m  a human who has written for a living for more than half a century. But, to be clear, I’m not in fear of my livelihood - it’s just that chatbot copy is so often very badly done.

The eyes have it

The eyes have it

IN 1790, A young Frenchman named Xavier de Maistre published a travel journal entitled: A journey around my bedroom.

Like me, he was missing travel - although in his case it was because he had been injured in a duel, and was confined to his bedroom while he recovered.

Why back stories are hidden gems

Why back stories are hidden gems

BACK STORIES are a rich source of information and entertainment, but we have evolved not to think about them because absolutely everything has its own history - and dwelling on the history of everything can lead to cognitive overload. It’s a shame, though, because we miss so much - we look without seeing. And so I’m going to offer you a practical exercise in curiosity.